Vanillic Gold Series

From the heart of Sydney, Astor Wilde's Vanillic Gold Series is a shoutout to those golden, glow-up moments that make life sparkle. It's like grabbing a vanilla latte with a side of sunshine, making every moment Instagram gold. Think of it as your VIP pass to turning the everyday into an epic adventure, with every spritz whispering stories of city sunsets and laughter with your crew. We're all about capturing those flashes of joy and warmth that light up life, turning the ordinary into extraordinary, one scent at a time. Let's make every spray a memory to savor, bringing a slice of that golden hour magic into the now and making it all about the vibes.

Every scent within this series pulses with a rich, delicious core of vanilla, crafting a symphony of warmth and sweetness at each fragrance's heart. To enhance this luxurious vanilla essence, we've meticulously chosen complementary top notes that introduce each perfume with a burst of freshness or spice, setting the stage for the vanilla's creamy depth. Meanwhile, the base notes are curated to seamlessly blend, offering a smooth, enduring finish that gently lingers, grounding the vanilla with earthy, woody, or musky undertones, ensuring a multifaceted fragrance experience that's as complex and captivating as the stories it inspires.

Our mission was to bottle those transient "golden moments" that illuminate our lives with happiness and warmth. Drawing inspiration from the radiant joy of sunsets and the laughter that fills the air, the Vanillic Gold Series pays tribute to the fleeting, beautiful instances that compose our fondest memories. It's an invitation to infuse your daily routine with a dash of golden hour magic, making the mundane magnificent and every moment a memory worth savoring.